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Michael Gaffney has been designing weddings for 30+ years and his work has been showcased on television programs such as Hallmark Channel and The Today Show and at garden clubs and art museums across the country. His wedding design classes are now available online with Ultimate Online Wedding Class.
Every en vogue bridal bouquet and every stunning centerpiece you’ll find in weddings across America is covered. Michael explains pricing, buying, designing and all the details of designing a wedding for yourself or your customers. Easy videos unleash all of his secrets for an easy, stress-free wedding designed by you. Michael shows you how to price, sell, design and deliver a complete wedding. Create wedding designs from small courthouse weddings to elaborate celebrity superstar weddings.
The course includes the collections of Michael’s books and access to wholesalers around the country where you can buy flowers. Michael is available for any reviews or questions you may have as well.
Covering techniques from traditional to contemporary design. Equivalent to Michael's Design Star and Masters Class programs.
Design Star, Flower Power and Lessons from the Paris School of Flower Design.
The revolutionary flower design system featured on QVC. Comes complete with 3 arrangement lids and a recipe book with 12 unique designs.
A Student ID showing your affiliation with Michael and the American School of Flower Design.
Access to, and discounts from wholesale flower markets and up to 80% off overnight Fedex flower delivery.
Michael himself will help support your future projects with tips, tricks, techniques and advice.